This is the Sylvan we love to see ....sneakin',cheatin', lyin', beggin, Syl-Vain.
vs Jeremy Prophet (Champion) at PWF Resistance, Saturday April 9th, 2011
Images by Minas Panagiotakis - full gallery here
This is how they built it
" ****PWF Heavyweight Title****
*Jeremy Prophet vs Sylvain Grenier*
At PWF Civil War, fans witnessed the crowning of the first PWF Heavyweight Champion Jeremy Prophet, who won a hard fought battle with Soa Amin. Overcoming the 400lbs. Monster from the Sudan, was quite the task for The Prophet, yet standing in front of him this time is an even more formidable foe in the person of 4-time World Champion and former WWE superstar Sylvain Grenier. Known to some as Sylvan or Sly, Sylvain Grenier is not just a living legend of Quebec wrestling, but is on the fast track to becoming a pop culture icon in Quebec. Seen by millions on RDS` weekly broadcasts of TNA Impact, Grenier`s noteriety is spread the world over, but nowhere stronger than here in Quebec. Having been a mainstay in the WWE for close to 5 years, Grenier is a seasoned veteran, who is looking to add the PWF title to his list of accomplishments, along with adding further insult to his opponent The Prophet. Many feel Prophet is the future and will be the next to follow in Grenier`s footprints in making it to the WWE. Having already competed on Smackdown, many feel he is already there, yet to finally cement these claims he must defeat the man who was a star of Smackdown for many years Sylvain Grenier. Fans at the last show saw that Jeremy Prophet is a master of all aspects of the wrestling game, and fights like no other…However Sylvain Grenier, an exceptional performer in his own right, takes a back seat to no one. Will the torch finally be passed to the next generation? Or will Grenier be able to resist the dynamic resilliancy of The Prophet?"
The answer as it turned out was both yes and no. Lets see more of this snivelling sneaking, Sylvain.
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